Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's He-Toddler!

In 1986 Sweeny Toddler did a fun spoof on the front cover of Whizzer and Chips. When Sweeny said the magic word, Wettibeddi, he becomes He-Toddler - Master of the Front Lawn! If you haven't yet guessed it, this is a spoof of He-Man - And Masters Of The Universe, a cartoon character who was very popular in the 1980's!

Here's the full strip, from issue dated 17th May 1986, illustrated rather brilliantly by Tom Paterson! As always, click on the image, and then again for maximum size!

1 comment:

Graham Exton said...

This is Calvin and Hobbes, before I'd read any Calvin and Hobbes. Tom cleverly differentiated the "real" world and Sweeny's fantasy with the panel borders.