Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A first look at The Digital Dandy!

Just hours ago issue zero of the digital Dandy was launched, and newspapers all over the world reported it, with a search on Google News revealing about 85 articles! Despite all that coverage, I'll show you what's inside anyway!

First up, as seen at the top of the post, Jamie Smart takes gives a new look to a classic strip - The Numskulls. Instead of The Beano's version where the main character is called 'Edd', The Dandy has given the spotlight to a young lad named 'Alex'!

Looking at the above frame, you may be wondering why the green arrows are there. That's because the strips are now animated, and you press the arrow to go to the next (or previous) frame. Each frame has something that moves, and speech bubbles pop up in the order they would be said.

Moving on, some strips, such as Bananaman and Desperate Dan continue, but there are also some new strips in there, such as Wayne Thompson's Retro Active, bringing back classic superheroes from The Dandy, such as Mr X - which answers the title of a recent post - 'Is The Amazing Mr X Returning?". 

There are also two new mini strips, the first is Hammie the Hopping Mad Hamster and the second is Bad Hair Day.

That won't be everything in the Digital Dandy, these are just a few small samples, as Andy Fanton and Will Dawbarn have confirmed that they will be also drawing for the comic.

Numbered as "Issue Zero",  I hope The Dandy won't be restarting its issue number count, as it was over 3000 which is something D.C Thomson should be very proud of and continue in digital form.

There is more than just a comic on the website though, such as 'The Dandy News', which is joke news, a shop (which actually links to the D.C Thomson website at the moment) and games, such as the Bananaman game above, which was very hard to take a screenshot of whitout falling off the roof or running into a chimney (if anybody is wondering, to jump you click on the screen, and that's the only control you need)!

You can read the digital Dandy here:



Anonymous said...

It doesnt work for me!

George Shiers said...

It's a shame to hear it doesn't work for some people.

Are you using an old computer? If so try something on a different computer - maybe your local library or an internet cafe might work?

Harry Rickard said...

I'm really not keen on it - very jumpy, unresponsive and just doesn't feel right. I really wish they just did what The Beano did...

Anonymous said...

Who wants to go to an internet cafe just to read a comic? This should work on all platforms and it don't. Epic fail.

TwoHeadedBoy said...

Not working on mine either, an HP laptop bought new in April this year, running Windows 7 with Google Chrome.

Just getting an infinite loading screen.

George Shiers said...

Looks like you aren't the only people having problems, I've seen a lot of reports from all over the place about it failing to work, a real shame really.

Anonymous said...

digital dandy???? could not get it to work on my macbook pro!