Sunday, January 13, 2013

Eric - Tom Paterson Style!

I've always been a huge fan of Tom Paterson, but I've never really attempted to draw in his style. Since I had a comic strip I needed to draw and a front cover to accompany it I thought I'd give it a go for the first time.

The character is called Eric, and the full title of the strip is The Implausible Adventures of Eric. I designed Eric about a year ago and have drawn a good selection of strips since then, which appear in The Wizzo. Above is my front cover design, and below is the first page of a special eight page adventure I'm drawing! And yes, I know I've spelt 'Implausible' wrong...

Now I know what you're thinking, Eric looks like Buster! Well, when I first designed him that wasn't my intention, he was actually just a quick sketch with randomness based on James Turner's web-comic Beaver and Steve!

Anyway, I hope you like the pages. As I said, it's my very first attempt at Tom's style and I hope to improve with practice!


TwoHeadedBoy said...

Good for a first attempt - right now the faces are DEFINITELY better than the bodies!

George Shiers said...

Thanks! I'm particulary proud of the arms and hands at the moment! :) Glad you liked it though!