Back in 1983 cartoonist Dave Follows and script writer Roy Davis both won an award for the most humerous comic strip of the year! Underneath the photo of Dave lifting his prize it reads:
Wonderful Wonder Wellies is the TOPS! That's the verdict from the Cartoonist Club of Great Britain, who recently presented artist Dave Follows with a plaque for producing the most humorous comic strip of 1983. "It's a great honour for both myself and script writer Roy Davis," said Dave, seen here with his award.

The story of course is Wonder Wellies, but unfortunatly, it doesn't state which issue won the award and I have no further information on it, so I can't post it here. Awww..... oh well, there were only 4 or 5 issue before containing this strip the above issue so I'll try and get them to post all of the Wonder Wellies up, and one is bound to be the award winner! But don't rush me - it WILL take time! (Or it could just be the entire series in total they're talking about?) However! - I can post the Wnder Wellies that appeared in that very issue, so enjoy! And if this isn't enough, you can always pick up any Buster comic from issue dated 17th September 1983 to 26th September 1985!

Sadly though, Dave passed away on 17th October 2003, but his artwork will never be gone, or forgotten. R.I.P.
Good post...I have that issue as well..
Juinor Rotter by Trevor Metcalfe also won that award..check out my website on Trevor which used to belong to geocities just type Trevor Metcalfe comics ina search engine and it should come up..
Very intresting - I didn't know about that. Which issue is it in - I'm presuming it's Whizzer and Chips?
It was Whizzer and chips....it could be interesting to find out who won every year..to see if any other British comic cartoonist won..
Well - that would be an intresting project! I'm definatly going to get right onto it!
Dave also drew a cartoon strip featuring an Eagle mascot character in Eagle Comic. I only know of these 2 strips he did and he was never a favourite of mine.
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