(Me trying to scan as much of the Dandy cover as I can!)
Well, as I already knew, the covers were a been done differently (only for summer, I think) by Chris McGee. Sure, they're oookkkaaayyy... but does it really have to have celebrities crammmed into every corner of it? It would be nice to see a celeb' free issue again! I hope that the people at Dandy H.Q. aren't thinking of completely filling up the comic with them! I counted four comic strips devoted to them, not including cameo appearences in a few other strips.

Another nice suprise (even if I already knew it was there) was the 'Dave the Squirrel' comic strip, drawn by Andy Fanton! I love this - especially since I created the Dave the Squirrel facebook page, which, if you haven't already, you should go now and like like like! WOO-HOO! www.facebook.com/DavetheSquirrel

And finally - I was glad too see that Lew Stringer's Postman Prat was back! According to Bruce Laing - Prat reappeared in Dandy #3545.
Well, that pretty much sums up this weeks Dandy (which now has the issue number back on the cover! #3548), out now for £2.50! Ooh! And it comes with a free Jokeberry (and a Monkey Bar for the kids)! If you have no idea what that is (and I'm pretty sure you don't), pick up this weeks issue!
Bruce Laing's website: http://toonworks.brucelaing.com/comicblog/
Lew's Postman Prat returned to the Dandy fairly recently (just checking my subs issues, and he returned in issue 3445.)
Cheers Bruce! I'll edit it into the post! :)
Whoops! corry bout that. It was issue 3545.
No problem! I'll just change it again! :)
I cannot stand the new front covers. While I find Chris' art style entertaining and enjoyable, I find the covers are way too OTT on the celebrity content. The cover layout itself is okay I suppose, I prefer the older one, the logo is clearer and looks better, If they perhaps brought back the old title, got rid of the celebs on the front, put good stories on the front and a lot of them, then maybe they'll get more buyers.
I hate the fact that celebrities are all over practically every single page in the comic. It's stupid!
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