Dandy #3530 is full 'o fun!
The latest Dandy is out now, with a free set of "snapping teeth"!And 44 pages... but snapping teeth! Unlike previous bumper issues this one has a 4 page Bananaman stroy (and it's even continued into next week), drawn by Wayne Thomson. Also, this issue has 4 brilliant new stories, Britian's not got talent, Knock-Knock, The space dogz and Bone-o!
Good to see a little celebrity story again, Little Cheryl this time. Simon Cowell (who features in Jamie Smart's Arena of Awesome as well)wears his trousers up to his armpits, as usual drawn by Nigel.
Justin Beaver is better this week, especially the second half. And Stu also put Korky in again! Yey! When I first saw the story advertised I thought it would go like this: Justin is singing, then pest control come along..... (I hope you read this Stu!)
And for the first time in a while a step by step drawing guide in the Dandy, see below.
George Vs. Dragon is back! Hooray! Replacing Boo after his 8 week run, George comes back from the Himalayas, with a beard! Once again, he hopes to slay that ice-cream eating dragon (see this issue)! Fanton's Grampire only appears once, however.
Finally, as readers of this blog would know, I would not like this strip:
Until box three, that is!
Next week's Dandy is also a 44 pager with two free gifts! Make sure you vote, you have until midnight on 16th. You can vote here!
Glad you liked this week's strip George, I'm drawing the last Justin Beaver today - so maybe pest control will take him out for good! Ha ha!
- Stu
OH NO! The last Justin Beaver! :( Are you doing anything to replace him or is that the end? Also, I saw that you got a special mention on the inside of the back cover as well!
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